[BC] QUestion about LPFM

radiofldude@aol.com radiofldude
Wed Sep 13 19:36:53 CDT 2006

 AND if you took the time to research Who/Where I work and googled his name.. you MIGHT understand.
WHat I've said has nothing to do with and is NOT the opinion of WWNH or Harvest Broadcasting, Inc... anyone who ties what I say in with WWNH is a few screws loose. I have the right to my own opinion.
-----Original Message-----
From: wbzq1300 at verizon.net
To: broadcast at radiolists.net
Sent: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: [BC] QUestion about LPFM

Paul, I hope you understand that this is offered in a respectful way............but considering you're working for a station that the FCC database indicates only has a CP, yet has been operating for a while, I might be careful about throwing stones. If my information is incorrect, or inaccurate, please accept my apologies in advance. Please forgive me for being in ogre, but at my advanced age, I've learned that things are not always as they seem. 
Best wishes.... 
-- Douglas B. Pritchett 
Fort Wayne, IN 
WBZQ1300 at verizon.net 
Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote: 
> Hey Brain Trust: 
> A Local organization here has an LPFM. It was licensed back in 2003. 
> Doing some research, the organization who holds the license was > disolved in 
> 2001, over a year before a CP was ever filed for. Not only that, but > their 
> tower is 10 miles from their COL.. and a CP to move it takes it even > farther 
> away. 
> How ill-legal is this? 
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