[BC] Otari ARS 1000 Automation decks
Glen Kippel
Thu Sep 14 11:49:40 CDT 2006
On 9/13/06, stanleybadams <stanleybadams at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I am taking on a question from a friend who has inherited a bunch of the
> 10
> inch Otari ARS 1000 machines. As many of you know they were Japan made
> workhorses in the cheaper automation systems and were pretty good units.
> The Cinch-jones connector on the rear should have some jumpers in it to
> make
> the deck operational when it is not connected by cable to any other
> automation controller.
> What pins jumper together?
> Thanks
> Stanley Adams
> _______________________________________________
That would be 12 & 13. Open momentarily to stop.
23 & 24 Close momentarily to start.
6 & 19 is EOM close on tone.
Audio outputs are 14 Left, 15 Right, with either 3 or 16 as ground.
Unbalanced out.
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