[BC] ftp sites
Harold Hallikainen
Fri Sep 15 14:12:28 CDT 2006
> It has not effect on the FTP Site as such.
> Its all about Bandwidth, if there are multiple users on the FTP site you
> may
> not get a clean playback because you are sharing that FTP sites pipe to
> the
> internet. Its not much of a problem these days as most sites have high
> cap.
> connections but back when a T1 was a good Internet connection, you could
> easily fill up that pipe.
> Storing it on the local drive generally ensures you get a clean playback.
> Ron
Don't FTP sites usually have some sort of limit on the number of
simultaneous users? If so, a "slow" streaming playback would keep a user
using the ftp connection for longer than one using a quick download.
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