[BC] Re: Rich - Listenership down.

Rich Wood richwood
Fri Sep 15 18:12:49 CDT 2006

------ At 04:27 PM 9/15/2006, Xmitters at aol.com wrote: -------

>Ahh come on Rich!
>Don't be so cynical. In a properly functuoning household, the dad is the head
>of the household. Therefore, he will decide if we listen to stream "A" or
>stream "B". I'm surprized at you!
>Father Knows Best, dont'cha know!

You and I may live in a functional household but "those" people 
don't. Father might just give in under the pressure of runaway kids 
and an "I've got a headache" wife. Times have changed. Notice that 
most fathers don't wear suits once they get home. The only IBUZ radio 
in the house will be such an attraction that father choosing the 
wrong  stream might be pelted with iPods.

I'm not being cynical. Just realistic.


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