[BC] MAJOR flub in NY on Channel 9!

WFIFeng@aol.com WFIFeng
Sun Sep 17 16:03:50 CDT 2006

In a message dated 09/17/2006 4:56:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
Robertm at broadcast.net writes:

> I turned on ch 9 and saw it

Are you in New York City, though? WWOR was not carrying it on my TV set, but 
their "MY TV" logo was there, so I know it was the right channel. Besides, 
we've watched the Yankess games on that channel every Friday, all season long. 
It's still channel 9, even on our Cable System. (Comcast.)

I just cannot believe that an entire game was missed! Someone's gotta be 
fuming mad, beside the fans!


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