[BC] Tape deck issue/cleaning solutions

Al Stewart stewarta
Tue Sep 19 10:14:13 CDT 2006

In Canada we can get a 99% Isopropyl. Works well for cleaning.


------ At 10:24 AM 09/19/2006 -0400, WFIFeng at aol.com wrote: -------

>In a message dated 09/19/2006 09:58:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>kzerocx at rapidcity.net writes:
>> I have had very good luck with isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol), which has no
>>  additives, unless you buy isopropyl rubbing alcohol, which as stated
>>  previously, is 30% water.  Isopropyl is also about the best flux remover I
>>  have found.
>When I can find it, I buy the 91% isopropyl. The stuff is definitely one of 
>the best electronics cleaning solvents for the buck! With only about 9% water, 
>it evaporates *very* quickly and cleanly. That tiny film of water (which is 
>pure) doesn't take long, either. Just a few seconds longer than the alcohol, 
>with a little breeze blowing on it.
-------------- END QUOTE ---------------------

Al Stewart
stewarta at kootenay.com
stewarta at xplornet.com

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