[BC] Counterpoise Ground System

WFIFeng@aol.com WFIFeng
Tue Sep 19 10:46:43 CDT 2006

In a message dated 09/19/2006 11:37:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
sbailey at nespower.com writes:

>    How far did your wires go out from the reference tower?  It appeared
>  that the wires were insulated copper, is that o.k. to use?

No, that's what bare copper looks like after 10 years in a saltwater swamp! 

The counterpoise is on all three towers, out to 25'. From the perimeter wire, 
the radials drop to the ground and continue out from there for 1/4 
wavelength. At the south tower, the tides rise and fall by several feet. At the north 
tower, typically only a few inches to a foot.


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