[BC] Tape deck issue

Fee Lee feehlee
Tue Sep 19 11:50:35 CDT 2006

Gary Peterson writes: 

> I have had very good luck with isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol), which has no
> additives, unless you buy isopropyl rubbing alcohol, which as stated
> previously, is 30% water.  Isopropyl is also about the best flux remover >I have found. 
Yes, we used to use isopropanol when I was at Mutual Broadcasting.  We used 
to buy it ten gallons at a time from a local chemical supply house.  My 
Sundays were spent cleaning 150 heads in a series of IGM cart machines.  We 
used a lot of Q tips, I would buy 10,000 at a time.  We had several hundred 
heads in the plant.
                                     Fee Lee 

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