[BC] Shively Vertical Antenna question
Bill Croghan
Thu Sep 21 12:56:05 CDT 2006
> Can anyone offer a reason why the Shively 6510 Vertical only
> polarity antennas are not straight up and down like a normal
> vertical dipole antennas.
Rough guess, relating to some dipoles, pure vertical would be about
75 ohms impedance at the feed point, but with the V shape, (Much like an
Amateur radio inverted V antenna) the impedance would be closer to 50 Ohms.
The parallel rods in the mounting may be part of an impedance matching
network as well.
Just a guess on my part, but I'd also be interested in the answer.
Bill Croghan CPBE WB?KSW
Chief Engineer,
Lotus Broadcasting
Las Vegas, NV
Email to loteng (at) lvradio.com
Phone 702-315-3030
Fax 702-876-6685
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