[BC] Tape deck issue/cleaning solutions

Mark Humphrey mark3xy
Sat Sep 23 09:37:51 CDT 2006

Here in the Philadelphia area, the Genuardi's grocery stores (now
owned by Safeway) sell house brand 99% isopropyl at $1.89 for 16
ounces, only ten cents more than a pint of the watered-down 70% stuff.
 This is a much better price than area drugstores offer, and it always
seems to be in stock.  The UPC is 21130 78053.

So... if you live near a Safeway (or one of their subsidiaries) you
might try looking there.


On 9/19/06, WFIFeng at aol.com <WFIFeng at aol.com> wrote:

> When I can find it, I buy the 91% isopropyl. The stuff is definitely one of
> the best electronics cleaning solvents for the buck! With only about 9% water,
> it evaporates *very* quickly an  cleanly.

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