[BC] Stealth antennas
Harold Hallikainen
Sun Sep 24 11:10:12 CDT 2006
http://sujan.hallikainen.org/FCC/FccRules/2007/1/4000/ prohibits CC&Rs and
similar regulations from limiting the use of TV receive antennae, direct
broadcast satellite TV antennae, or fixed wireless (typically satellite
internet) services. It permits these antennae to be installed in areas
that are in the exclusive control of the owner or leaseholder.
Specifically not included are AM, FM, amateur, and similar antennae. I
applied to our condo owners association and got approval for a TV antenna.
It's on a 20 foot mast and barely goes above the roof. It's in an enclosed
private patio area and is barely visible from outside our condo. We drive
an distribution amplifier that drives coax in the walls to drive a couple
televisions and several FM radios.
The current condo rules prohibit the use of any radio transmitters except
garage door openers. I think I need to petition them for a rule change to
permit the use of cordless phones, wireless LAN and other part 15 devices,
and cellphones. I don't think I could get a rule through permitting ham or
CB transmitters since they are concerned about visible antennae. I think
the only reason they approved my TV antenna is because of the FCC rule.
Meanwhile, I'm looking outside my window and see someone has installed
what appears to be a CB antenna across the way.
The owners association has been very cooperative with everything I have
thus far asked for. They approved my operating hallikainen.com from the
condo, allowing me to get the city business license. Some day Louise and I
will move to a place where I can put up some sort of antenna, and I hope
to put the Bauer 707 I built in 1970 on the air.
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