[BC] 1 kW AM xmtrs

Larry Fuss lfuss2
Sun Sep 24 17:23:48 CDT 2006

I dunno.  I never looked into a power increase.


-----Original Message-----
From: broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net
[mailto:broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net] On Behalf Of Bailey, Scott
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2006 3:00 PM
To: Broadcasters' Mailing List
Subject: RE: [BC] 1 kW AM xmtrs

Like I said Paul, consider the source.  Jason did a lot of screwy things. I
recall hearing when Keith Hammond went down there to work on that Armstrong
Box, Jason's mother had to go to Wal-Mart to buy Hammond tools to do any
work, plus pay Hammond to boot.
One thing is to consider, was it 750 watts day, and 250 watts, critical
hours to protect co-channel KOMA?
I looked into to that too, and I'm almost certain that WQMA, if granted a
power increase to say 750 or 1 KW, they would have had 250 watts at Critical
That's a question Larry might be able to answer off the top of his head.

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