[BC] Pirate Radio Stations Challenge Feds

Harold Hallikainen harold
Mon Sep 25 14:02:14 CDT 2006

> On 9/25/06, Harold Hallikainen <harold at hallikainen.com> wrote:
>> ==============================================================================
>> TOPIC: Pirate Radio Stations Challenge Feds
>> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.dcom.telecom/browse_thread/thread/dcb3c5f9318ff7fb
>> ==============================================================================
>> also http://tinyurl.com/z2p64
> This problem may finally be solved (at least from an engineering
> standpoint) when "unlimited bandwidth" becomes available, making FCC
> licensing obsolete.  Then, Dunifer's followers, you, me, and whoever
> wants to use the "public airwaves" can simply go ahead -- just as easy
> as streaming on the Internet.  If this sounds crazy, read the
> following:
> http://dir.salon.com/story/tech/feature/2003/03/12/spectrum/index.html?x
> Reed cites the "pinhole camera" as proof that photons don't interfere
> with one another.  However, a more familiar example might be a
> low-power AM or FM station, transmitting to a receiver a short
> distance away, in the middle of a much longer path between a high
> power transmitter and a second receiver.  Both stations share the same
> frequency and communicate interference-free with their respective
> receivers, despite the fact that both sets of "photons" are passing
> through a portion of the same space.
> Assuming the technology can be worked out, would we be better off
> getting rid of broadcast licensing?  In other words, treat radio and
> TV like the print media -- as the First Amendment  intended.
> Something to think about.
> Mark

I attended a conference at Stanford Law School where this was discussed.
Info on the conference and links to several papers on the subject is at
http://cyberlaw.stanford.edu/spectrum/ . I wrote an article on the
conference. It's at
http://sujan.hallikainen.org/rw/Other/PropertyOrCommons/ .


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