[BC] vaporizing birds
Glen Kippel
Thu Sep 28 22:17:39 CDT 2006
Pardon me, but I wish to express my incredulity. I suspect that report is
somewhat exaggerated and a perfect example of excessive hyperbole.
On 9/28/06, Bob Barnswatts <amfan at collins21e.com> wrote:
> Two stories in two days told wild tales of "birds vaporizing" by the RF
> field or by landing on a feedline
> "The antenna on top of the 1500 ft tower was a 72 ft "candlestick" that
> transmitted a television signal strong enough to vaporize a bird if it
> happened to fly too close to it..."
> ref: http://www.oldradio.com/archives/warstories/1572feet.htm
> Regarding XEROK : "The transmission feed was 'open line'. 150,000 watts
> would flow and hum across the cables connection the antenna to the
> transmitter. Birds would land on the line and in a flash they would be
> vaporized - only a handful of feathers would float to the ground. "
> ref: http://www.reelradio.com/km/index.html
> Now I ask you if this is true? I find it very hard to believe but
> admittedly haven't seen it happen myself nor been around 150KW AM
> transmitters or standing directly next to Hi powered tv antennaes.
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