[BC] STL and Translator ID

Ron Youvan ka4inm at tampabay.rr.com
Tue Jan 1 13:11:29 CST 2008

> 	It has always been my understanding and practice that they be
> identified only at the beginning and end of the broadcast day.  I have never
> heard a radio station or have seen a television station do otherwise and I
> have worked for both radio and TV that had for STL, ICR (inter city relay)
> and translators, or even RPU.  

   We used a hod ID card on camera for RPU before they developed vertical
interval character generators.  When we leased a circuit from the telephone
company I couldn't see that those transmitters (the same as ours) were ever
    Ron  KA4INM - My wife never had any problem spending money
                  her problem was just with me spending money!

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