[BC] question for you engineers

Donna Halper dlh at donnahalper.com
Tue Jan 1 13:24:49 CST 2008

At 01:54 PM 1/1/2008, you wrote:
>Have you reviewed the Carterphone Decision ? It had a lot of impact 
>on this subject.....

Carterphone... hmm, that rings a bell.  Let me go look it up.  Btw, 
thanks to everyone for their help.  I want to be sure what I write is 
accurate, and as I told you, while I know what the equipment back 
then was able to achieve (because I have heard a lot of old radio 
shows on transcription disks),  I don't always understand the 
technology from back in those days.  I know, for example, that 
transcriptions first got started in 1929, created by a Chicago-based 
advertising exec named Ray Soat, who sold his So-A-Tone broadcasts to 
the networks.  The first ones were 5-7 minute radio shows, which 
offered one or two short songs and a commercial built in.  Great for 
filler or for timing your show up to the network news. 

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