[BC] The RIAAfia

WFIFeng at aol.com WFIFeng at aol.com
Tue Jan 1 14:37:14 CST 2008

In a message dated 01/01/2008 12:50:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
richwood at pobox.com writes:

> In that case it qualifies as a promotional copy. I'd still recommend 
>  you have some proof of where you got the material when the RIAA 
>  accuses you of stealing it.

I guess, then, that would mean logging into the PlayMPE service while the 
goon stands, looking over my shoudler? There is nothing to print! No invoice, 
nothing... just a website-like interface which lists many, many songs that you 
can pick and choose from. You can audition the song via a stream, and/or you can 
start a download.

I had been using the system for several years. I'd start the audition stream, 
and if I liked the song, I'd click the download icon. Once I went through the 
curent list of new songs, I'd have the software convert them to WAV files, 
then log out. I'd then process them, MP3'em, then transfer 'em into the 
station's on-air library drive and a backup on another machine.

The only "proof" I could think of to satisfy the goons would be the fact that 
I have an active user account on PlayMPE.


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