Linc c310driver at lincster.com
Tue Jan 1 16:18:36 CST 2008

"Although, just about any time period pre-Johnson would suit me fine.


I'll not soon forget the day I listened to LBJ's Vietnam build-up speech
which was followed by my walk to the mail box to find my draft notice (no
kidding!).  My comment to my mom, "boy he was serious!"

In those days the two major parties were almost the reverse of what they
have become today, and so was my affiliation!

And FM still meant "Fine Music" and most UHF tuners still sat on top of the
set and had piston variable capacitors but the all-channel bill had passed
by then. 

Can you say 6J6 boys and girls? 

Well gotta keep this some how on topic!


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