[BC] Audio Cable

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 14:45:41 CST 2008

Actually, it's not really all that hard to break out L and R to 
different connectors - although it does tend to be a bit wasteful of one 
of the two pairs...

Start with BOTH pairs going into one connector.  Strip the appropriate 
amount of the outer jacket, and separate the pairs.  Cut one pair (I 
usually trim the red/black pair, designated LEFT or CH. 1) back to a 
normal working length, but DO NOT TRIM the drain.  Install connector in 
normal fashion, folding the drain wire at the length you'd have trimmed 
it to before soldering.  Before assembling to the shell, slip the 
removed outer jacket over the second (Green/White) pair, and the free 
end of the drain wire, and run the resulting cable back through the 
shell connectors, bushings, strain reliefs, etc.  Install the second 
connector to the free end in normal fashion.  You now have a cable end 
that might LOOK a bit strange, but gives excellent performance.  I have 
also done it with trimmed drain wire; it will give good results, as 
well, depending on the equipment connected and the length of the 
pigtailed second pair - even in the near-field of a 5 kw AM station.

(Oh, and use a permanent marker to designate which connector is what 
channel.... so the next guy will have a clue, as well as in case you 
forget between install and maintenance time.)

Tom S.

Mike McCarthy wrote:
> Gepco or Clark Wire "zip cord" cable and their multi pair snakes.  
> These days with AES so prevalent, it's important to note the 
> differences between the cable types.  You can use the old cable for 
> short runs of AES.  But not long runs.
> I also have boxes of Belden 8723 if I don't need to break out L and R 
> into different connectors.  The Belden bundles better than the zip 
> cables.
> YMMV...
> MM

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