[BC] James Dobson, Rush Limbaugh, Ed Schultz, etc

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 15:42:59 CST 2008

XaVier University's radio station, of course - NCEs "don't count"; 
probably because what ELSE does an educational station do?  Lectures, 
discussions, whatever you want to call them... Educational Material.

Besides, NCEs don't have to (if they're run by the school, and not 
the students) draw an audience AKA convince advertisers they've got a 
viable audience segment.  (The students don't, either, but they have 
to convince the faculty advisor their programming is valid usage.)

Tom S.

James Barker wrote:
>Supertalk 96.5 is no more.  About two weeks ago it changed to a rock 
>format, although i believe it still has The Two Angry Guys in the mornings...
>----- Original Message ----
>From: Jeff Johnson <jeff at rfproof.com>
>Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 11:29:47 PM
>I am, by nature, a public radio buff. In Cincinnati, the commercial 
>frequency 96.5 has gone talk recently - angry white guy style. When 
>they launched the promos were of the nature "Finally - talk on FM". Aww, what
>was WVXU 91.7 for the previous 25 years??

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