[BC] The RIAAfia

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 17:07:42 CST 2008

True; or else the MOHD came from a music provider like Jones Radio - 
yes, they have several MOHD formats available as well as the 
sat-delivered ones.
Tell 'em go to Dallas if they want to see the originals (NTM the fact 
that much of the MOHD stuff has NEVER BEEN on CD - some vinyl, some 
direct from a special copy of the master tapes - the custom 
recordings never even released commercially!  Put THAT in your pipe 
and smoke it, RIAA!)

Tom S.

Dennis Blais wrote:
>You mentioned that the lawyers want to see an actual copy of the CD 
>at the studio, if you have the song on the automation hard 
>drive.  Much of the music that radio stations use are now delivered 
>as mp3's over the internet. Note that I'm refering to legit copies 
>supplied by the record companies.  So there is no CD to provide.

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