[BC] Breaking out 8723 to Two Connectors...

Burt I. Weiner biwa at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 3 09:57:16 CST 2008

That's exactly what I do with the exception that I use white/green as 
the left pair since red has commonly been used as a right channel 
indicator.  I also slip a piece of green colored bark over the drain 
wire going to the right channel connector.  The white lead is + while 
the green lead is -.  For the right pair, the red is + and the black 
is -.  I use a super-fine Pilot marker pen to write on the cable 
itself where it goes to or what it is.

This method is fast, clean and I don't see where there's any 
waste.  Yes it does look a bit odd but so what.  It'll probably 
outlast splitting the pairs and using shrink-fit.


>From: Tom <Radiofreetom at gmail.com>
>Subject: Re: [BC] Audio Cable
>To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
>Message-ID: <477BF7F5.5000507 at gmail.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>Actually, it's not really all that hard to break out L and R to
>different connectors - although it does tend to be a bit wasteful of one
>of the two pairs...
>Start with BOTH pairs going into one connector.  Strip the appropriate
>amount of the outer jacket, and separate the pairs.  Cut one pair (I
>usually trim the red/black pair, designated LEFT or CH. 1) back to a
>normal working length, but DO NOT TRIM the drain.  Install connector in
>normal fashion, folding the drain wire at the length you'd have trimmed
>it to before soldering.  Before assembling to the shell, slip the
>removed outer jacket over the second (Green/White) pair, and the free
>end of the drain wire, and run the resulting cable back through the
>shell connectors, bushings, strain reliefs, etc.  Install the second
>connector to the free end in normal fashion.  You now have a cable end
>that might LOOK a bit strange, but gives excellent performance.  I have
>also done it with trimmed drain wire; it will give good results, as
>well, depending on the equipment connected and the length of the
>pigtailed second pair - even in the near-field of a 5 kw AM station.
>(Oh, and use a permanent marker to designate which connector is what
>channel.... so the next guy will have a clue, as well as in case you
>forget between install and maintenance time.)
>Tom S.

Burt I. Weiner Associates
Broadcast Technical Services
Glendale, California  U.S.A.
biwa at earthlink.net

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