[BC] Audio Cable

gRAdy Moates lists at loudandclean.com
Thu Jan 3 10:30:34 CST 2008

> Belden catalog says nothing about 2pr cable, only their massive multipair,
> and none of the codes in the back start Red / Black / etc.  8723 (ind.
> shield 2pr, common jacket) says "Red & Black, Green & White" -- I 
> interpret
> to mean Green hot.

    This is correct, and is the root cause of phase errors around the world. 
. .
anyone with an electrical background associates "green" with "safety
ground", and uses "white" as "hot".  Anyone with a military/electronics
background, who is disciplined about color codes, has been to the Belden
catalog (or website) and uses "green" as "+" and "white" as "-", so things
get screwed up as soon as two different techs work in a plant where 8723
has been deployed.

    I finally gave up in the mid-90's and started doing it backwards, 'cause
I kept finding so many plants done that way.

    it still makes my heart skip a beat when I reverse the color code, 


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