[BC] Short AM Tower

Stevan A. White w5saw at pathwayz.com
Thu Jan 3 12:07:59 CST 2008

You may want to investigate the possibility of top loading the tower 
using guy wires bonded at the top of the tower and insulated at just the 
right spot to provide the correct amount of loading.  I've seen this 
done successfully at a little station I used to take care of.  There are 
others who can chime in with further details and perhaps help you with 
calculations and design.

Best Regards,
Stevan A. White, W5SAW
SW Commercial Electronics
928 South Crockett Street
Amarillo, Texas 79102
Phone 806-681-7228
w5saw at pathwayz.com

"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our 
(Eric Hoffer, American Author)

Larry Lamoray wrote:
> For the brain trust ....
> Have a client trying to use a 100 ft tower for AM on 1230. 200 feet is 
> prohibited by local ordinance. :-((
> Any suggestions as to how to make the best of a bad situation?
> Thanks in advance.
> Larry
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