[BC] Audio Cable

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 12:08:27 CST 2008

Well, if you run into any of the plants I've worked in, you'll fine 
green hot inside the XLRs...

And at the "66s"...

IIRC, I did follow the Belden convention when using the multipair cables 
 >6 pairs.

Tom S.

Chris Oradat wrote:
> Belden catalog says nothing about 2pr cable, only their massive multipair,
> and none of the codes in the back start Red / Black / etc.  8723 (ind.
> shield 2pr, common jacket) says "Red & Black, Green & White" -- I interpret
> to mean Green hot.
> Still, White hot makes more sense to me.  Every other White/Color cable is
> done White over Color.

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