[BC] Short AM Tower

Wayne Woollard woollard at inreach.com
Thu Jan 3 19:10:57 CST 2008

You might go to the local Planning Commission and request a Variance. 
Prepare your exhibit and prepare an acceptable drawing of a nice little 18 
inch tower at 180' and another of a 100 foot tower that had a 4 foot face, 
and explain to the commission that this is what the foreshortened version 
would have to look like to get the bandwidth necessary to compete in this 

I am in no way advocating attempting to pull a "fast one," on the 
Commissioners (I happen to be one!) but before you completely accept the 
Ordinance prohibition, at least show the "Locals" that you are willing to 
seek alternatives, and to work within the rules.

You were undoubtedly told by Staff that the Ordinance exists, so take it as 
far as you can, to the Commissioners, and on to the City Commission if 
necessary.  Don't give up without exploring all your options.

Wayne Woollard
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Lamoray" <lists at systemsstore.com>
To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2008 9:49 AM
Subject: [BC] Short AM Tower

> For the brain trust ....
> Have a client trying to use a 100 ft tower for AM on 1230. 200 feet is 
> prohibited by local ordinance. :-((
> Any suggestions as to how to make the best of a bad situation?
> Thanks in advance.
> Larry
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