[BC] Comcast Blacklist

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Thu Jan 3 22:53:41 CST 2008

For the past two weeks, I have been unable to send email to this 
list. Without the help of Comcast, which
refused to even recognize a problem, I was able to get their problem 
solved by contacting their spam-filter
service, virtbiz.com.

Here is the message just received:

I am glad that you told me about the webmail.

It is possible that the Comcast webmail system is rewriting the 
original from IP so that it appears that the message is relayed 
directly from the system on the DHCP connection. This would be 
counter to convention. Or it is possible that the Comcast SMTP for 
their webmail system is located within an IP range that is listed 
with ARIN as a cable modem subscriber block. While this does not 
strictly violate any RFC, it is not a recommended practice. IP ranges 
should be allocated in a logical and correctly mapped manner. In any 
event, it does not appear as a malfunction with our scanners.

I have requested further investigation from our Network Operations 
department and a lift of the restriction on the /24 containing the IP 
that has been rejected by our scanners.

We will close this ticket now as your issue should be resolved. 
However, if you need to reopen the ticket, you may do so at any time 
by reply email or visiting our website at http://support.virtbiz.com

Thank you,

VIRTBIZ Support - AC

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: CKM-443732
Department: VIRTBIZ Abuse Desk
Priority: Medium
Status: Closed

For those interested in other Comcast problems, please visit my BLOG 
of http://comcast-cable.blogspot.com/ as they are truly the worst 
possible, but only available in this area, ISP.

Since Comcast refused to fix their problem, I have spent much time 
gathering evidence and composing a letter to Brian L. Roberts, CEO of 
Comcast. I had to get their hidden mailing address from the SEC 
because they don't want customer complaints to go to the corporate 
offices at 1500 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA. 19102 (hint).

Richard B. Johnson

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