[BC] Panel LCD TV's

Kleinbit USA Sales sales at kleinbit.us
Fri Jan 4 07:48:38 CST 2008

Hi Ron,
  Excellent reference available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1080i
  -Scott B

"Ronald J. Dot'o Sr." <ron.doto at comcast.net> wrote:
  Hi Gang,

Got a TV question.

I was in Wal-Mart the other day killing time while the wife shopped 
and wandered over to the electronics section to check out the prices 
on the panel TV's as I've been thinking of getting one.

When it comes to digital TV's I'm lost. All the smaller ones were 
720p and only two of the really big ones were 1080p or i (I don't remember).

My question is what is the difference between the 720 and 1080, or is 
it 1810? Whatever...

With some of the smaller ones there were serious differences in the 
picture and strangely enough some of the brands that I never heard of 
had a better picture than some of the better known brands.

We have a five year old Apex brand 21" flat screen CRT TV in the 
bedroom that has developed some interesting symptoms. When you first 
turn it on it has several horizontal lines that run through the 
bottom third of the screen and do a vertical roll. They disappear 
after a couple minutes but then the left side of the picture is 
pixilated and that doesn't disappear. I'm guessing that there is 
some digital circuits in the set that display the channel number and 
the volume level etc. that is causing the problem. I don't know what 
TV shops charge these days but the repair would probably cost about 
the $150 or so that I paid for the set.

Thanks for any help or advice.

Ron D


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