[BC] Audio Cable

Kevin C. Kidd, CSRE/AMD kkidd at kkbc.com
Fri Jan 4 10:25:17 CST 2008

Naw.  I love the suspense.  I read the whole thing and then wonder if he
really meant any of the above.

gRAdy Moates wrote:
> Tom usually starts with completely rational statements, and slowly works
> up to the off-the-wall stuff, so that one hardly notices the shift. 
> Kinda like putting a lobster in a cool pot and slowly increasing the heat. 
> I find that it pays to read Tom's posts last-chapter-first, THEN proceed
> to the first chapter and read through.  That way, you know whether
> they're in jest  or not before your start at the beginning. 
> Tom is definitely a "Certified" Professional Broadcast Entertainer. 
> Grady
>>> Me thinks that Mr. O has struck again.
>> Congratulations! You're a winner! You answered
>> correctly.
>> Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE

Kevin C. Kidd, CSRE/AMD
mailto:kkidd at kkbc.com
Local:        931-766-2999

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