[BC] TV Set/Converter

R A Meuser rameuser at ieee.org
Fri Jan 4 12:13:45 CST 2008


I think you got hit by thread drift (within a single post. Scott was 
writing about the rumored $40 license fee from Ibquity for HD RADIO.

Bruce Doerle wrote:
>The $40 is not floating, it is in the law:
>See the Code of Federal Regulations 47 CFR 301.4 for the 
>coupons.  It sets the value.
>  >>> Scott Fybush <scott at fybush.com> 1/4/2008 11:47 AM >>>
>That $40 number has been floating around the net for a long time now 
>without any confirmation, and it's starting to sound a little fishy 
>to me. I'm not an expert on Chinese manufacturing costs or 
>electronics-industry retail profit margins, but I find it hard to 
>believe that Radiosophy can sell me an HD radio for $100 (or Best 
>Buy for $150) and be sending $40 of that to Ibiquity. In fact, I'd 
>find it hard to believe that Best Buy's cost for that Insignia shelf 
>unit it's selling is much more than $60 or $70, total, and probably 
>even less than that.

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