[BC] Northern California Weather?

James .JD. Davis jdavis at sunset.net
Fri Jan 4 18:08:46 CST 2008

Here in the Northern Sacramento Valley, we've been on generator since 8am at
the studio and all transmitter sites that I cover (three of them) are on
generator as well... 60mph winds earlier today (starting at about 5am)
caused a real mess with many downed trees and power lines. Some ENTIRE TOWNS
are without power (like the one I live in, Magalia). Here in Chico there are
three gas stations open (this is an area of 184,000 people). Our studio in
Yuba City is still without power and PG&E can give no estimate of when they
might start getting power restored to this area. I understand that down in
the Bay area, there are several hundred thousand folks still without power
and at one point today, they were reporting that 60% of Sacramento was dark.
It's been a really nasty weather day, but the worst has passed and the next
round of storms are colder, but much calmer. We should be getting some snow
at about 2500' before Sunday morning.

All around fun day here in Norcal...

James .JD. Davis
Chief Engineer
Results Radio, Chico-Yuba City

-----Original Message-----
From: broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net
[mailto:broadcast-bounces at radiolists.net] On Behalf Of Tom Bosscher
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2008 3:44 PM
To: Broadcasters' Mailing List
Subject: [BC] Northern California Weather?

Anybody out there in San Fransisco/Sacramento area having problems with 
power, etc?

A reminder, if you have your ham license, and there is an IRLP node in 
your area,
you can use reflector # 9615 for anything related to broadcast engineering,
and very specifically, if you are looking for equipment or people during 
any kind of disaster.

tom bosscher

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