[BC] FM Power Amps

Mike McCarthy Towers at mre.com
Sat Jan 5 05:57:03 CST 2008

Depends if the owner is a publicly traded company.  From what Glen was 
saying, I'm presuming it's a privately held company.

Recall several threads have discussed the frugality of some owners 
regardless of their equity's underwriting. And the trend is towards 
privately held companies which thumb their nose at Wall St. and the daily 
lemming knee jerking seen there.


At 05:42 AM 1/5/2008 -0500, Cowboy wrote
>On Friday 04 January 2008 09:08 pm, Mike McCarthy wrote:
> >  Also keep in mind that in a few years, the other's will likely tell you
> >  they no longer supply spares or need a major retrofit.  Then what?  Money
> >  saved now turns into a crisis when the kludged or imported system breaks
> >  down.
>  That single statement makes you a rare bird in today's stock-price-this-week
>  corporate world.
>  You know that. Right ?

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