[BC] Unrated market question

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 09:40:46 CST 2008

I think the limits stop at 100, not sure...


Found it first try!


Seems to be more dependent on number of stations in the market than 
market ranking...

73.3555 (a)(1)(iv)

   In  a  radio  market with 14 or fewer full-power, commercial and
   noncommercial radio stations, not more than 5 commercial radio 
stations in
   total and not more than 3 commercial stations in the same service (AM or
   FM); provided, however, that no person or single entity (or entities 
   common control) may have a cognizable interest in more than 50% of the
   full-power, commercial and noncommercial radio stations in such market
   unless the combination of stations comprises not more than one AM and 
one FM

seems to be the part you want...  and commercial stations can't own 
their translators, IIRC (Part 74 for translator rules)

So if it's an AM/FM combo in a "one-station market", it doesn't have to 
be broken up.


Tom S.

Mike McCarthy wrote:

> So, before assuming a station is in an unrated market, double check.
> MM
> At 09:33 PM 1/4/2008 -0500, Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote
>> Guys and gals.
>> I know there is a limit to the number of stations one can own in a rated
>> market.
>> What about an unrated market? How many stations or percentage of full 
>> power
>> media can someone own? Are translators included?
>> There are two small markets out west I'm curious about when it comes to
>> this. 

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