[BC] Here's a laugh!

Jeff Johnson jeff at rfproof.com
Sat Jan 5 11:12:28 CST 2008

HD Radio seems a much a non-starter as an MG sports car. Those HD Radio 
spots are as informative as a politician. Most of us are upgrading our TX 
plants, which is the upside of all of this.

Speaking of the spots, how informative is "Stations between the stations"?? 
I have explained HD Radio to quite a number of people in our business, even 
recently, who had no clue and, even subsequently, no interest.

We will have a beautiful new Nautel V7.5 at WNKU this spring, however. 

Jeff.Johnson at rfproof.com, CSRE

>So far, 100% of any alleged on-air advertising of HD has entirely escaped 
>my notice....
>Subject: Re: [BC] Here's a laugh!
>>>The HD Alliance edged out Geico as 2007's biggest national radio

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