[BC] Future of radio and it s engineers?

R A Meuser rameuser at ieee.org
Sat Jan 5 15:29:53 CST 2008

Lamar Owen is your man. He has done exactly what you describe. I am 
not sure if he monitors this list but he is on Radio-Tech.

Dave Dunsmoor wrote:
>     So my question is this: could there possibly be a greater future in
>"listening" than in "talking" for those of us who really like technology?
>What would it take to generate the interest in extra-terrertrial research to
>release the resources to build more of this type of facility? And no, I'm
>not talking about SETI and the "Art Bell" crowd here.
>     What do you think? Useful? Possible? Likely? Not at all lucid here?

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