[BC] Who's a Ham?

Mike McCarthy Towers at mre.com
Sun Jan 6 16:50:04 CST 2008


FARlord of FrogFAR...443.200, 114.8Hz/ PL2A,  Aurora, IL..
The Bullfrog "Rebeater" of Chicago.  "Where a sense of humor is required 
and stiffness bent."


At 04:43 PM 1/6/2008 -0500, WFIFeng at aol.com wrote
>In a message dated 01/04/2008 4:00:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>cozy659 at yahoo.com writes:
> >   Hey Ron
> >    Happy New Year
> >  I had no Idea you were a Ham. cool.
> >  Neal Newman-ka2caf
>As I have seen several "I didn't know you were also a Ham!" posts, lately,
>perhaps another *brief* roll-call is in order?
>I'll start! :) Greetings from N1NKM!

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