[BC] RE: FM Power Amplifiers

Mike McCarthy Towers at mre.com
Sun Jan 6 16:52:12 CST 2008

Potentially.  There are ranges in which some manufacturers design their 
boxes.  Just like  ERI and their ranges (low, med and high).  There are 
enough performance tradeoffs which one must accept sacrifices in a totally 
broadband TX.  Recall the Harris FM20H series boxes didn't like the low or 
super high end of the bands either because the cavity was being stretched 
to the limit.  The 1/2 wave folded cavity doesn't suffer that problem as 
the design allows for optimized tuning of the whole cavity. I know Harris Z 
plane boxes will work across the band with no adjustment.  But at the 
expense of heating in the combiners.  Nautel chose to not make that 
sacrifice.  I can't speak for BE since I've  installed only a couple of 
their newer TX's and have not researched their boxes.

Also, there may be issues in the LPF.  I recall reading in the Nautel FM 
series manual about retuning and there were also some minor component 
changes in certain stages as well. I can't say anything to that effect on 
the V series boxes except the RF jumpers.  But the V series are in three 
overlapping ranges just like the FM series which it succeeded.


At 02:39 PM 1/6/2008 -0500, wpio wrote
>>As to $$$, some listed prices are up into the >20K range.
>>There's a 2003 Nautel 3.5 on the used market for $22,
>>(which would have to be re-tuned, though).
>What used market?  A classified ad somewhere?
>If SS, there wouldn't be a tuning issue would there?
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