[BC] Getting phones on the air

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Sun Jan 6 22:13:04 CST 2008

It did work, Chip...My friend and I used to bug his sister's phone calls that


The inductive pick up could be put under the phone and it would pick
up the field from the hybrid, or put on the ear piece.  They worked
(work) well.  However, I don't see how it would work on an extension
that was on-hook.  The hook-switch uses a double-pole-double-throw
switch that switches the line from the hybrid to the ringer.  MAYBE
it was exciting the ringer solenoid enough to get some audio, but I
cannot imagine how awful that might sound.  I'm sure I have a coupler
buried in the basement somewhere, and I KNOW I have some old phone
sets (including one given to me by the phone guy) so I may be able to
try it.

------ Original Message ------
Received: Sun, 06 Jan 2008 07:02:04 PM EST
From: Broadcast List <Broadcast at fetrow.org>
To: broadcast at radiolists.net
Subject: [BC] Getting phones on the air

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