[BC] Who's a Ham?

George Kowal ontheair247 at verizon.net
Mon Jan 7 07:31:32 CST 2008

WFIFeng at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 01/04/2008 4:00:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> cozy659 at yahoo.com writes:
>>   Hey Ron
>>    Happy New Year
>>  I had no Idea you were a Ham. cool.
> (SNIP)
>>  Neal Newman-ka2caf
> As I have seen several "I didn't know you were also a Ham!" posts, lately, 
> perhaps another *brief* roll-call is in order?
> I'll start! :) Greetings from N1NKM!
You know this has the potential for a long forum thread!

Starting out as WN2CUR around 1967 with one of the first 2 year novice 
Going Advanced class as WA2CUR about 1968,
Moving to PA as WA3YUW about 1976,
Moving back to NJ as WA2MDWabout 1979, finally ending up as

73's to all,
George Kowal  KG2KC

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