[BC] Early mobile phones

Kevin C. Kidd, CSRE/AMD kkidd at kkbc.com
Mon Jan 7 19:16:45 CST 2008

Oh Gary,

Please stop.  I escaped from a MSS in 1994 and have tried to forget all
that crap.

I can't count the number of resonant Cadillac rear seat cushions that I
found while troubleshooting Pulsar desense complaints.  Around 1990 IIRC.

I had a Standard portable with DTMF and 2-tone decoder that sufficed for
our local mobile PX service until cell came along.

Now hunting another dose of that amnesia inducing medication...

Gary Glaenzer wrote:
> and then came IMTS
>  the later 'Pulsar's were more compact (and a virtually
> trouble-proof TX/RX built around Mocom-70 tech) but not as forgiving of such things as
> jumper cable screw-ups under the hood

Kevin C. Kidd, CSRE/AMD
mailto:kkidd at kkbc.com
Local:        931-766-2999

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