[BC] Ford 2009 HD radio

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Tue Jan 8 10:04:17 CST 2008

They probably won't come back because customers
get used to the lies being told. How many people got
"commercial-free" satellite radio, that you need to PAY
by the MONTH to receive, only to find out, LIARS-o-LIARS,
that it's absolutely filthy with commercials? Do they rip
them out? No! They just put up with it --even with XM
stealing from the subscribers credit card by saving
the number and re-subscribing for years in advance,
without the owner's permission or knowledge. This
is the way it is done nowadays. They lie and steal
until you catch them. Then they lie in wait under a
rock for a few months before they do the same
scheme again.

Even broadcasters are more dishonest nowadays
than they have ever been before. On the way to work
from 7:00 to 7:09, I listened to WBZ's interview of
New York's major Giuliani who just happens to
accidentally be running for President during today's
primary elections in New Hampshire. That's nine
minutes of FREE advertising for the station's
selection of what they hope will be the next
President, during DRIVE time on a 50 kW
major-market radio station. Who do they think
they are kidding? They just do it, and if they get
caught, they buy lawyers to bail them out.

Richard B. Johnson

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Rich Wood <richwood at pobox.com>
 > I wonder if Ford will handle the warranty issues when buyers bring
 > the car back because the radio is defective. '"My stations between
 > the stations' keep disappearing. I paid $500 for this thing and want
 > it fixed." My guess is that it'll be pushed off onto dealers who will
 > have to explain that it's the nature of the system and the radio
 > isn't defective.

 > That transfers the headache of an angry customer to the dealer. I
 > took my Uncle for a ride to demonstrate my JVC. It's his opinion that
 > the cars will come back.

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