[BC] Apple's HUGE Mistake

Alan Kline akline at netins.net
Tue Jan 8 11:48:30 CST 2008

Maybe iBiquity should let Apple do its marketing.

Then, we'd have iBuz... ;-)


Seriously, though, I'm not going to spend a few hundred bucks on an 
iPhone, and a hundred or two more on accessories, so I can have a fancy 
wake-up service with Internet radio. Not with the price AT&T charges for 
data on all but their unlimited plans. I'll stick with the 30-year-old 
clock radio next to my bed...

Just before Christmas, I "upgraded" my cell phone to a Sony Ericsson 
unit with a digital "Walkman" built in, *and* a halfway decent FM radio 
receiver--it even does RDS. Very nice to have on the bus ride home from 
work--I can mostly ignore the school kids and the drunks...


Rich Wood wrote:
> Apple must be doing something right. I don't recall people camping 
> outside stores to buy IBUZ receivers. Apple created a marketing buzz for 
> the iPhone. IBUZ just creates a technical buzz. One is good. The other 
> isn't.

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