[BC] DTV Transition Wrinkle

engineermike engineermike at mindspring.com
Tue Jan 8 12:37:42 CST 2008

Don't quote me on this but I recall seeing something just a few days ago 
that said the FCC was not going to for the change over of LPTV or 
translators by the end date in Feb 09 and that there was some funding 
available for the LPTV guys to help them make the conversion.  I believe 
it went on to say that the FCC would be setting a date for them in the 
future.  Wish I could remember where I saw that.  Seems like it was on 
one of the magazine e-mails I get or one of the Pike and Fisher reports.
Hope that helps

Mark W. Croom wrote:
> I am somewhat curious about this myself. I do not subscribe to cable
> television service, and of 5 channels I receive at my home most of the time,
> three of them are translator stations. I can't cleanly decode closed
> captioning on those signals because they are relatively noisy.
> After the cutover date I'm probably going to be down to two stations, a CBS
> affiliate and a public TV station. Maybe I'll just have to put up enough
> antenna to get the ABC station that's down the road apiece. 
> Or not. We don't watch much TV anyway; the DTV transition could cure us once
> and for all.
> Mark
> MN
> ---------- Original Message -----------
> From: k7vor at aol.com
> To: broadcast at radiolists.net
> Cc: K7VOR at aol.com
> Sent: Tue, 08 Jan 2008 11:02:05 -0500
> Subject: [BC] DTV Transition Wrinkle
>> ? No one has been providing an answer to the question of
>> whether TV translators will be converted to DTV by the February
>> 2009 cutover date -- or if they ever will be switched to DTV.
>> It's a costly process, and some stations may not view the switch
>> worthwhile because translator viewing has decreased as cable and
>> satellite penetrations have increased.
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