[BC] "Hi, this is your radio calling..."

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Tue Jan 8 20:13:53 CST 2008

------ At 08:42 PM 1/8/2008, Kevin Tekel wrote: -------

>Of all the HD Radio promo ads so far, this one is by far the most
>For me it's an instant preset-switcher every time it comes on.  And
>somewhere along the line, the IBOC Alliance forgot that if you're trying
>to sell a product, it's best not to insult your potential buyer's
>intelligence and existing product choices.  After all, not everyone is
>listening to a 20-year-old K-Mart table radio.  Maybe someone just spent
>$300+ on a Bose Wave Radio, and they don't like their purchase being put
>down just because it doesn't have HD Radio.

How dare you criticize the creative work of an advertising agency 
with many very large clients? That's why the HD Dominion picked them, 
according to the top dude.They know far better what you like than you 
do, so get with the program and march in lockstep with the 
cheerleaders and join the revolution. This is the salvation of radio 
and is far more important than the humans who create the content. 
They can be fired.

$630 million to sell 400,000 radios is nothing to sneeze at. Guffaw, 
maybe, but not sneeze.

I understand there's a huge line at the IBUZ booth at the CES that's 
drawing people away from all the other displays. It's the single most 
revolutionary technology on display.

I'd better stop here before I end up writing the next IBUZ puff release.


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