DHultsman5 at aol.com DHultsman5 at aol.com
Tue Jan 8 22:34:51 CST 2008

In a message dated 1/8/2008 3:31:35 PM Central Standard Time, 
richwood at pobox.com writes:

> >690 is now in Rosarito, too.

I don't recall exactly but I believe the GE was at another site before Glen 
Callison moved the 5 tower array to Rosarita Beach.  It was my recollection, 
that it was moved to gain the ground conductivity similiar to XERB on 1090 
already on the beach.

As you know from that beach area it is a salt water path to Los Angeles 
across the pacific ocean.  

As I said I am not clear and was not directly involved with the modernization 
of XETRA but I know they had to replace the old towers anyway and decided to 
try to improve the signal in Los Angeles.

Dave Hultsman

Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.

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