Jeff Johnson jeff at rfproof.com
Wed Jan 9 00:43:47 CST 2008

Yes, the W.E. 50 kW at WLW was used as the driver for the 500 kW. According 
to Clyde Haehnle, who was working for WLW during the last years of 
'experimental' 500 kW transmissions from midnight until 2:00 AM (as I 
recall) in the early '40s, the W.E. was run without modulation simply as 
the driver. An error that was published in my Radio Guide article in 
October stated that the W.E. was run at 25 kW. Clyde told me that it was 
run at its full 50 kW with 25 kW dumped to a dummy load and 25 kW driving 
the 500 kW plate modulated final. By not lowering the TPO of the W.E., 
Clyde said that retuning was therefore unnecessary when transferring to the 
500 kW and back.

Jeff.Johnson at rfproof.com, CSRE

>Don't know about this specific unit, but the Big One - "RCA 1", the 500 kw 
>rig at WLW, used the W-E transmitter as RF drive; it was plate modulated, 
>as well.  So being plate modulated would not be a bar to using a full-up 
>lower-powered transmitter as the RF driver stage for a high powered Tx.
>Tom S.

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