[BC] "Hi, this is your radio calling..."

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Wed Jan 9 20:59:48 CST 2008

------ At 09:28 PM 1/8/2008, Dana  Puopolo wrote: -------

>Assuming that radios can be sold for 100 dollars apiece, they should have
>taken that 630 million dollars and bought 6.3 million radios with it, then
>given them all away.

Remember, it isn't real money. It's distressed inventory. Think of it 
as trade, though you can bet the HD Dominion is being paid along with 
the ad agency "with many large clients" and the puff release people.

In one of today's trade "papers" the ad agency tried to defend the 
anti-radio radio spots with the admission that their job is to sell 
IBUZ receivers, not to benefit the industry.

It's interesting that Entercom refused to run XM spots for the same 
reason. The spots badmouthed radio and XM expected stations to run 
them. I wonder how many stations are actually running these spots.


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