[BC] IT Trouble

DCP&L dcpowerandlight at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 12:28:46 CST 2008

Until you raise your right hand and get sworn, sit in a witness chair and
have to spend several hours thumbing through a 9 inch book containing every
email you've sent or received over the past five years, as I did a decade
ago as a witness in a civil case, you'll express yourself openly in email.

Following an experience like this you'll probably still express yourself, as
openly as one does when standing in the crowded town square while surrounded
by policemen with tape recorders.

Constitutional rights cease when you walk through your employer's door,
literal or virtual.

Welcome to America!


At 09:14 AM 1/10/2008 -0700, RichardBJohnson at comcast.net wrote
>Well said. In America I have the expectation of privacy.
>That is our birthright. Mike McCarthy and others who
>think like him should be ashamed for squandering
>our birthrights for the fleeting feeling of security, thereby
>denying future generations the full experience of
>being an American.
>Andrew Jackson and Wendell Phillips stated,
>"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."

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