[BC] IT troubles

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Thu Jan 10 14:02:10 CST 2008

The standard response for something like this is "Reboot
every computer on the network..." The likely problem
is that the mail-host for your domain has changed (your
ISP generally manages that), but your local name-server
is using a cached IP address. That's why rebooting everything
generally clears these kinds of problems. However, you
really don't need to reboot everything, only the machine
you use as a mail host. You can find that machine by
typing, at the 'CMD' prompt, nslookup mailhost.

It should return with the name and IP address of the
mail route out of your domain. You can then execute:

telnet mailhost 25 and verify that it responds with some
kind of "220" message. If it does, type quit to get out.
If it does not, that is where your problem lies.

Richard B. Johnson

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Glen Kippel" <glen.kippel at gmail.com>
 > have a big one at KDES-KPSI-etc. -- on December 12, most of the computers
 > stopped sending e-mail with Outlook.  Outlook Express will work, but
 > everybody wants to stick with MS Outlook.  They can receive e-mail OK, it's
 > sending it to the outside world that is not working.  Outlook works with the
 > in-house intranet, however.  Anybody run into something like this?  I just
 > started working for them and already I'm running out of ideas.  Thanx.
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