[BC] IT troubles

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Thu Jan 10 16:44:29 CST 2008

Okay, that's easy. Configure MS Outlook exactly the same as outlook 
express. It needs the name of your SMTP mail host. Since it defaults 
to "mailhost," it would be best to configure your name-server to 
resolve mailhost with the correct IP address. Then you don't need to 
change all your machines. If you don't have a local name-server (type 
nslookup with no parameters and see if that machine is someting 
local), you need to configure each machine with the name of your SMPT 
mail host.

Richard B. Johnson

From: "Glen Kippel" <glen.kippel at gmail.com>
 > OK, thank you.  What I get there is "nonexistent domain."
 > >From Outlook Express I see a POP3 for incoming, and a SMTP for outgoing,
 > both of which work.  MS Outlook works for incoming, but cannot send.

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